{mosimage}Chris Waitts is an independent English filmmaker who puts himself in a vulnerable position interviewing all his ex-girlfriends.

Documentaries are a genre that always brings new surprises every year. For example, recently we could see the splendid Irreligious about religion and now this movie from Waitts that touches the always sticky topic of couple relations.

Our Kurt Cobain look alike friend is not afraid to appear on camera like a loser, trying to analyze the misfortune of his relations with the opposite sex while recording a documentary at the same time. His family also appears in the movie, and although the girlfriends are mostly reluctant at the beginning to appear on screen, in the end he gets a good collection of testimonies.

The idea is good and fresh, but he happens to be such a loser than instead of provoking laugh in the spectator, ends up provoking pity. As well, some situations seem to be “pushed” too far, acted up having the camera in front of, and do not result in being too natural.

Certainly Waitts achieves an interesting movie with almost no budget, and surely this will indulge in a bulk of new female contacts at his MySpace page that could bring some light to his notoriously bad history with women, but it could have turned a bit better with a different perspective.

Rating 3/5


{mosimage}The best: The most gorgeous ex-girlfriend happens to be a nymphomaniac…

The worst: … and he did not have sex with her.

The detail: The book by his ex-girlfriend Vicky Allan mentioned in the documentary is titled Stray. 

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