{mosimage}I am not sure that Ironica – no, wait, iRonica – is that entire smart name for a band. Of course, the world is full of good bands with crappy […]
Kauko Röyhkä & Riku Mattila
{mosimage}Kauko Röyhkä, the (somewhat) unsung genius of Finnish rock music, makes an interesting and unexpected career move. Kauko gets reunited with his old collaborator, guitarist Riku Mattila, who used to […]
Eleanoora Rosenholm – Vainajan muotokuva
{mosimage}New Finnish bands are rarely as interesting as Eleanoora Rosenholm (yes, despite the name this is a band, not a solo artist). First, it is sort of Finnish alternative […]
kanYe West concert moved to August
Tickets will stay valid. Those who want their money back, can return their tickets at Lippupalvelu offices. Concert organizer Speed Promotion has issued an apology, but has given no reason […]
Nightwish announce first tour with Anette
The tour will start on 6 October (2007) in Tel Aviv, Israel, and end on New Year’s Day at Helsinki‘s Jäähalli. It will span four continents. On the U.S. leg […]
Shooting Lordi film under way in Oulu
Dark Floors – The Lordi Motion Picture, based on a joint idea by Lordi singer Tomi Putaansuu and the film’s Finnish director Pete Riski, will be shot in its entirety […]
New website
FREE! Magazine opens a new website. Browse around and discover it. Become a member and enjoy exclusive promotions and much more.
From the ashes of the lost empire
After following the events concerning a certain bronze Russian soldier, I gave myself the task of developing an observer’s approach to the efforts being made to build a new Estonia, […]
Sitar lady
Although she is only 25, she has had a long career and has long since stopped being just Ravi Shankar’s daughter. Born in London, she is a sitar player and […]
FREE! goes to Eurovision
Actually, our “Euro-week” started last Sunday, early in the morning when both editors appeared on Subtv thanks to the invitation of Markku from Finland, this special and genuine ambassador of […]
Say with a song
Dozens of events, concerts and street parties (let’s pray for good weather so everybody will be able to enjoy the outdoors happenings) that will export the image of Finland to […]
Young people rap for children’s rights
The competition is open until 23rd of April and the lyrics of the entries may be written from young people’s personal or global perspective in Finnish, English or Swedish. The […]
Neighbours coming over for a good vibe
Luckily there is a guy named Tusovka. Loosely translated from St. Petersburg slang meaning "good vibe" and "a creative get-together of free people", the Helsinki-based promoter has been active since […]