{mosimage}Third full length for the Finnish bands, counting with a new vocalist: Jani Ala-Hukkala.

A new studio album for Callisto since 2006 and great expectation to see how the debut of the new vocalist, Jani, would affect the band. With a very experimental sound, this Providence is certainly pretty enjoyable.  Maybe for some hard-core fans, it can sound pretty different to what was done before, but it is good to change from time to time, isn´t it? Maybe here they sound less brutal, and more mellow and progressive than before, but I have personally nothing bad against that. Harsh vocals are mostly disappearing, and Jani exercises more his vocal skills than his predecessor, but since I am more into more melodic tunes, I still see this as very good. The instruments still create an appealing gloomy and dark atmosphere, but the album can really reach a more mainstream audience.

All in all, I think Callisto has changed for the best, and although like in every change, there will be people and old fans who will not accept this, we welcome the new face of Callisto as a good improvement!

Rating 4/5. 

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