{sidebar id=28}Jim Carrey continues struggling with his status of comedy actor trying twisted roles where he can show that he is able to provoke more than laughs from the spectators. […]
Write for your rights
{sidebar id=29}In the world where we live nowadays, full of intolerance, racism and hate that seems to grow up without reason from every corner, films like Freedom Writers are needed […]
Teenage criminals
{sidebar id=31}After watching this film, my first feeling was of annoyance. I was feeling quite angry at the point that the main core of the events (although modified for the […]
{sidebar id=26}I read in an interview made to Brad Pitt years ago, after having acted in Troy, that he had to work his ass hard to look as fit as […]
Leather, bikes and flames
{sidebar id=23} Director Mark Steven Johnson was not very popular character for comic fans after his weak adaptations of previous comics Elektra and Daredevil. It seems that he does not […]
Eddie Murphy x 3
{sidebar id=21} The king of the comedy is back, and stronger than ever! 2006 was an important year for Eddie Murphy with two new films released: Dreamgirls and the one […]
A rifle in your life
{sidebar id=22} We saw snipers in films like the new version of The Jackal (1997, and by the way, for those lovers of the detail, the action of the movie […]
Magic against Fascism
{sidebar id=19} Reality and fantasy world get mixed in the last work of director Guillermo del Toro: Pan´s Labyrinth, being the second of his films framed on times of post […]
The Last King of Scotland
{sidebar id=15}The first feature film of Scottish director Kevin MacDonald focuses on the figure of Idi Amin, army officer and president of Uganda between 1971 and 1979. But rather than […]
Friends in love
{mosimage}Based on Zoe Heller's book, one of the most exciting female acting duels that you could imagine has arrived on DVD: Barbara vs. Sheba, or what is the same, Judi […]
Mr. Bean goes on holiday
{mosimage} Run for your lives, Mr. Bean is back! After the first film released in 1997, and having had uneven fortune with his appearances in Johnny English (2003) and Keeping […]
Hide your drugs in an elephant’s ass
{mosimage}A poor elephant escaped from a circus and finds itself lost in an alienated landscape in the middle of nowhere in the mountains of Norway. This could be a perfect […]
{mosimage}Diane Arbus, (born Diane Nemerov), was a photographer married with Allan Arbus (and later divorced), that became famous for her personal style of portraying “freaks”, those people living apart from […]
Exploitation in the grindhouse
{mosimage} Robert Rodriguez and Quentin Tarantino present a double feature of sex, violence, sleazy characters, zombies, freaks and bizarre plots. Death Proof and Planet Terror now on dvd. Once again […]
Casino Royale
Casino Royale is based on the novel of the same name by the father of Bond, Ian Fleming, and presents the first adventure of Bond just after getting the status […]