Text by Eric Remec Seattle. The name conjures up some very specific images: Starbucks. Rain. Grunge. All these clichés certainly ring true but I want to try something a bit […]
Lithuania overcomes historical hurdles
Being a small country boxed in by bigger more aggressive ones is the fate of the Baltic three. Especially problematic is being on a highway between two of the biggest […]
Athens seductive off-season anarchy
Since the idea of the Olympics going home for the modern games centenary in 1996 was mooted, the Greek government started spending to update its infrastructure. However, the plan flopped […]
The fishy tales of Saaremaa, Muhu and Abruka
A peculiar, near eccentric choice of holiday destination, are three of the islands off Estonia’s western coast for a week or so. What do they have that the rest of […]
Turkey’s glittering Aegean jewels
In the south east of the country that has one foot in Europe and the rest of its body in Asia, lies a peninsular that has history and memorable panoramas […]
The cradle of Estonian culture
Estonia, for both Finnish and foreigners staying or visiting temporarily Finland, has become one of the favourite destinations due to its geographical closeness and the cheap prices of their products, […]
Soviet ‘delights’ in Latvia
For under-25s, the Soviet Union is something older generations talk about and those that were a part of it don’t want to remember or prefer obliteration of its existence. This […]
Stylish Stockholm
Only hop, skip and a boat ride away from old Helsinki is the capital of Sweden and the home of 1,7 million of hip and trendy people. Stockholm is easy […]
Dreaming about the Dominican Republic
There is more than just great wind and surfing on the island of Hispaniola. The Dominican Republic was the first European settlement in the New World, founded by Columbus in […]
Under the Thai sun!
Are you tired of waiting for spring to begin? The earliest months of the year in Finland are the coldest ones and the social life is much quieter than in […]