Days before the gig, the sun was shining in the capital, probably as a prelude to the great gig Low was going to perform in support of their latest album, Drums and Guns. It was a Saturday, and at the break of dawn it was already rainy and foggy. The gig was supposed to be beautiful, and charming, but also unavoidably sad and melancholic.



Rather than simply going through new material, Low played many old tracks. (Say whole it's almost impossible due to the vast of it). Upon listening to the new album you would expect more electronic tunes throughout the night, but they seemed to play more pop than ever, staying loyal to their roots and absolutely no one in the hall could complain. Low had an impressive start with, Death of a Sales Man! They touched the latest album with, In silence, in the third song.

They were getting bigger and bigger on stage.  It was amazing to see how only three people could fill such a huge place. Nothing else needed. Just Low. The feeling grew and grew while they were going through the night. Three people captivating hundreds of people.  It didn't matter much if Alan broke the strings of his guitar a couple of songs before the end their main performance. It was beautiful to see him and Mimi talking. They were both surprised to see how great the night was slowly turning into, and how many small things made the event even bigger.

After the obligatory first visit to the backstage they still came back to delight us with three more songs. They thought they were putting a perfect end to the night with, Sandanista. Nevertheless, going for a second time backstage, the people didn't agree, and wanted more!  So Alan, Mimi and Matt had to comeback, and thank God they did, because they likely played the best song of the night with Soon , and one they feels so intimate moments that remain deep in your body, where almost no one can reach. 

Then it was time to go, not sure with the sights up or down, but with shining sights nevertheless. A great gig that won't be mentioned anywhere, but one that will most certainly stay in everyone’s heart and mind. It was surely an amazing night, and one that made the difficult Finnish spring a little bit more bearable.


Photo: Andres Ahuir

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