New album of the British trio; from my point of view, one of the best thing I have heard so far in 2009!

Sam Street on the drums, Ben Harris-Hayes on the vocals and Shaun Rayment on the bass are the components of this relatively unknown British metal band featured here. Evolution: Creatio Ex Nihilo is not maybe the catchiest title for an album, unless you are studying a doctorate in dead languages, but nevertheless the quality here is overwhelming.

Enochian Theory

The band is able to display a wide amount of musical registers without losing the face. Great orchestration like in Waves of Ascension and great vocal skills by the hypnotic Harris-Hayes makes them a good catch if you want to discover a bit more of the underground side of British metal. Even the artwork rocks! 

fF you like metal bands with a personal twist like Tool or A Perfect Circle, you are going to love these ones. 

Rating 4/5

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