Healthnews has released an extensive study that ranks 194 countries based on their winter-pattern Seasonal Depression Disorder (SAD) risk.

SAD begins in late autumn and continues through winter. Google Trends data from the past decade show that searches for “SAD” peak globally each November, highlighting significant public interest and the optimal timing for articles on this topic.

Trustworthy Authors and Rigorous Methodology

Our report — prepared by a specialist with a life sciences background and peer-reviewed by a psychology expert from our internal research team — uses carefully selected metrics based on reliable medical and scientific sources (encompassing all known risk factors), resulting in findings that are closer to reality compared to similar reports.

Finland Ranks 2nd Globally for SAD Risk

Finland, ranked second, has a SAD risk index score of 69.3.

With a latitude rank of third in the world, Finland is quite far from the equator, contributing to its exposure to seasonal light variations.

Finland is among the top 50 countries for the prevalence of depressive disorders and bipolar disorder.

According to Google Trends analysis, over the past five years, it has ranked 15th in Google search volume for the term “SAD. “

The Full Report is Available Here:

Interactive Tools and Visuals for Further Exploration

Healthnews offers an interactive global map and country-specific data tables to help readers explore the study’s insights.

Feel free to use any of the visuals available in the report. Please contact us if you require assistance embedding our interactive map into your website. We will be happy to help.

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