This is particularly true of a very spooky piece called, in rough translation, ‘The melting of the great ocean.’ But whatever the influences, Auture brings them together into an original mix with many longer pieces that are certainly worth taking the time to listen to. Some of the music is emotionally ambiguous – and moving as a result – while some is simply pleasant, traditional folk that the listener can float away on. Where the words are in Finnish, their lyrical nature means that you can still enjoy the piece without understanding the language. Usually, these songs use a very small numbers of words, almost like mantras. Anyway, Autere helpfully includes English translations of her songs which deal with the traditional Finnish folk-song subject of ‘nature,’ comparing it to love as in, ‘the spruce roots wither/ but not my tears.’ Amongst the huge amount of Finnish folk music available, Autere is fresh and worth listening to.

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