{mosimage}The long-awaited second part of Something Wicked Part 1 is out in the market.  

The long-awaited second part of Something Wicked Part 1 is out in the market.  

The American metal heads Iced Earth, that enjoys almost the status of gods in countries like Greece, or what is the same, Jon Schaffer and his boys, are back, This album was kind of special because of the returning of Matt Barlow on the vocals (it seems that the life as policeman did not totally satisfy him) instead of Tim Owens.


Many foresaw this as a return to the old sound that encumbered the band at the end of the 90s, like with the super album Something Wicked This Way Comes, but truly said, this new Crucible of Man has more to do with the last 2 albums, meaning that is Schaffer who decides the destiny of Iced Earth, and what side to take when facing a new project. Long epic songs, that start with a promising intro, full of beautiful background voices: In Sacred Flames, but becomes more and more predictable and a bit boring. There are a couple of good shots that will remind you of the old Iced Earth sound, like the marvelous I walk Alone where Barlow´s voice is at his best, or Sacrificial Kingdoms with a great instrumental work by the whole band, but in general, the album can be received with a bit of disappointment after the high expectations that had rose.


The same that the sad sound of the Epilogue that closes the album, Iced Earth needs to find his way in future works if they do not want that their die-hard fans live just on their older albums.


Rating 3/5.



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