A greatest hits album that gathers all the best of the famous Finnish artists during the last years.

Marko Haavisto

After 12 years of career and being part of the soundtrack of several Aki Kaurismäki´s movies, it was about time for Marko and company to release a greatest hits. In this Land of 1000 Longings you will find a good collection of no less than 20 tracks with a great rock & roll touch, but also adding the unavoidable Finnish folky experience there.

Melancholic songs to be listened with a mix of happiness and sadness, looking backwards and forwards to what life brings. Marko is accompanied by Samuli Halonen on the drums and Jouni Saario and  Kai Järvinen on the guitars.

If you want to understand a bit more of Finnish music and its particular spirit, this album is a must have; very touchy, even if you do not understand Finnish language.

Rating 4/5

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