{mosimage}Nim Rusoe is a young girl who has an island all for her and a bunch of great animal friends that will help whatever the problem is.

It seems that Abigail Breslin is the new golden girl of Hollywood. Whatever role that requires a girl of around 10 years old, there she is! Our Little Ms Sunshine grows up step by step, but still has time to play with turtles, lizards and climb a volcano in her latest movie. I frankly find her a bit annoying in her performances, like she is always over-acting, but well, she still delivers a good one here, and her acting is credible enough. The other big star of the movie is Jodie Foster as the maniac adventure novel writer, while Gerard Butler in the role of the father and Alex Rover is a bit wasted, could have had a bit more of impact but gets pushed to a second level in most of the movie.

An easy movie to watch for the whole family, although maybe it is more aimed at the little ones of the house. My favourite moments in the movie are watching the hilarious lizard, honestly. Not a masterpiece, but it will entertain you.

Rating 3/5.


{mosimage}The best: The animals and the beaty of the island

The worst: Poor sharks continue being portrayed with a nefast fame.

The detail: There were used two different Australian sea lion to portray Silkie.

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