{mosimage}Also from Turku comes Masa Laine, aka Marty the Random Guy, featuring his new splendid debut album. I have a special weakness for independent musicians who self-produce their debut […]
Deathlike Silence – Saturday Night Evil
{mosimage}The band from Turku release their second full-length full of good metal…and death. Founded in 2003, this relatively unknown Finnish metal band should have a better destiny from now […]
Estonia vs Finland
Well, time to write in the blog. Life has been pretty active recently with other projects. As maybe some of you have noticed, I spend most of the time now […]
The other Boleyn Girl
{mosimage}Scarlett Johansson and Natalie Portman featured as the Boleyn sisters fighting for the love of Eric Bana as the king Henry Tudor. Certainly it is a delicatessen to see […]
Eagle Eye
{mosimage}Shia LaBeouf is going to go though a hell of a time falling into the control of a “Big Brother” that analyzes all his Communications. If you want to […]
El Cantante
{mosimage}Discover the life and overall the great music of a salsa legend, Hector Lavoe. Marc Anthony and Jennifer Lopez in the main roles. For many readers, especially the ones […]
Bangkok Dangerous
{mosimage}Nicholas Cage is an experienced hitman who never gets attached to anybody… until he arrives to Bangkok. If you like action movies, maybe you can even find this one […]
Eesti goes blues
{mosimage}I met the young but experienced components of the Estonian blues band Bullfrog Brown for the first time a couple of summers ago. We embarked together in a real road […]
Interview with Finnish driver Emma Kimiläinen
Finnish race driver Emma Kimiläinen is one of the most promising young car racers in Europe. In a sport ruled by men, Emma finds that there is no better way […]
Elämän Lahja (The Ultimate Gift)
{mosimage}Jason Stevens is about to discover after the death of his grandfather that there are more important things in life than just the money… This is a movie that […]
Eagles of Death Metal – Heart on
{mosimage}The alternative project from Josh Homme, vocalist of Queens of the Stone Age is back, featuring a third rude album of good rock & roll. With Homme sitting on […]
Nickelback – Dark Horse
{mosimage}After having sold 8 million copies of their previous albums, it is about time to see if the Canadians can keep up with the expectations. For the sixth studio […]
Finland is in the game!
Not many years ago, videogames were still seen as children’s play, with the media usually more focused on polemical issues like the impact of violent content on youngster’s behaviours. Luckily, […]
Smart People
{mosimage}Dennis Quaid is a University professor with a mess of a life, though brilliant, unable to connect with the students, and unable to communicate with his family. Smart acting […]