{mosimage}A game of sex, power and betrayal for a movie that reunites to 2 heavyweights of Hollywood: Hugh Jackman and Ewan McGregor.

Having Jackman and McGregor in a tête à tête dressed with expensive suits and chasing beautiful girls (such as the always delicious Michelle Williams) seemed to be a secure way of success. And certainly the movie is entertaining for the first 15-20 minutes. After that, better forget about it. Everything turns to be too predictable; the characters lose their colour and seem to be a parody of themselves and the script leaks every ten seconds of action with some absurd situation.  It is very easy to say that this “Deception” really makes honour to its title, but that is the total truth of it.

Unless you are a super fan of Jackman behaving as the perfect snob, you will feel bored like hell and praying for the movie to end quickly without adding more pain to your eyes. As an example, for me the funniest part of watching this movie was when reading the interesting and funny posts in imdb page with people looking for authentic list where letting fly their sexual desires, or hilarious lists of fails and bugs in the script (and the list reached over 100 after a few posts…).

A pity that director Marcel Langenegger and writer Mark Bomback wasted so much good talent and a nice original idea, turning it into one of the worst disappointments of the last year.

Rating 2/5

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