{mosimage}Second album for the “astral-folk” British band that exhales a really great quality!


must confess I had not much idea about what to expect from this second long-length  from the guys from United Kingdom. But I was happily surprised by a fresh album that combines rock, industrial metal and electronic rhythms with a good taste, sounding experimental but classy at the same time, a task not easy to achieve. With this “Love Conquers All” (the literal translation of the Latin album title). The male and female voices get mixed and the electronic parts sound catchy and modern. Listen as some highlights to the introductory Les Malheurs,  the excellent powerful Victorious Cupid or the experimental The Gloaming.

An album that you will love or hate, but certainly does not leave you indifferent. Some of the tracks would be perfect for a vampire movie soundtrack. A great follow up album that shows a band young but not afraid of doing what they want. We will have to follow them with a sharp eye in the future!

Rating 4/5.

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