{mosimage}The follow up album to his debut in 2006 puts this young but talented Finnish artist against on the scope!

Born in 1976, Koskinen, well known in Finland among other things for his collaboration with Kauko Röyhkä, features his second studio album; a work that flows divided into episodes that count how a day goes for different characters that see the world from different points of view.

Actually, opposite to the trend in Finnish music, full of melancholic and dark feelings, the album sounds bright and light, starting with the splendid Perjantaina and following with other notable tracks like Hevonen.The album has a certain ”hippie” energy from the 60s, and certainly is a fresh breeze into the present Finnish music scene. An enjoyable work, even more enjoyable if you understand/speak finnish to decipher the great lyrics.

Rating 4/5.

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