Dozens of events, concerts and street parties (let’s pray for good weather so everybody will be able to enjoy the outdoors happenings) that will export the image of Finland to the rest of the world. You may like it or not, but definitely you cannot deny the impact of the contest worldwide. In any case, if you live near the centre of Helsinki, there is no way to escape from the Eurovision fever. So as a wise man once said, if you cannot defeat them…join them!

There will be thousands of visitors coming during the following weeks. For many of those, the Helsinki Tourist Office is the first place where you can collect information about the cultural events and the wide amount of possibilities that the city and the country have to offer. There you can find FREE! too. Or not?

Some of you may have found the absence of copies of FREE! Magazine at the Tourist Office during the previous month strange. It seems that our cover crossed the line for the people responsible there, and they preferred to “store” our magazine in the back room. If you had the chance to see the cover, you can judge for yourself if it deserved such a punishment. If you didn't see it, visit our website and download the last issue.

In any case, we find it very sad that our audience was not allowed to enjoy the diverse articles we prepared with such effort just because of a personal opinion about an illustration that had no other purpose than teasing the curiosity of the reader. It seems that some censorship practices are still in use, even in such a freedom loving country as Finland.

So for the rest of you who grabbed a copy of the present issue, do not just stop at this editorial. Turn the pages and discover the exciting contents we have, from the most unusual Finnish literature to the trendiest indie rock bands. Or just forget your worries and shake your body exploring the contemporary dance Finland has to offer.

Go to concerts, watch the new exciting film titles that arrive to the big screen, and basically enjoy life…with no censorship. Be FREE!

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