{mosimage}Two new and interesting exhibitions will delight the lovers of photography from January until March at the Finnish Museum of Photography.







The Asphalt Gardens exhibition brings together photographs of Helsinki from 2007–2008 by photographic artist Taneli Eskola. Eskola (1958) is a Helsinki-resident photographer specialising in landscape and photographic art who has photographed kinds of secret gardens, views that we come across when, at the right moment, we take an oblique look, bypassing standard viewing angles and emblematic places.




The exhibition coincides with the publication of Julia Donner and Taneli Eskola’s illustrated non-fiction work Löytöretki Helsinkiin, paikkoja, polkuja, puutarhoja (“Exploring Helsinki, places, paths, gardens,” published by Multikustannus). The book prompts us to look and to experience gardens in places where we do not normally see them. The author himself will discuss about his exhibition on Wednesday 18.3. At 7pm. (In Finnish language)

ASPHALT GARDENS – Paradises beneath the urban fabric

Photographs by Taneli Eskola

Finnish Museum of Photography 22.1- 24.5.2009




The Tense Territories exhibition, which investigates the concepts of personal space, control, ownership and identity, offers multiple views of new forms in contemporary photography. The exhibition is made up of four solo exhibitions and is part of Helsinki Photography Festival 2009.


Mohamed Bourouissa, Sini Pelkki, Carrie Schneider, Sauli Sirviö

Finnish Museum of Photography 22.1–24.5.2009




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