{mosimage}Richard Gere is embarked in the hunting of the most wanted war criminal in ex Yugoslavia: “The Fox”

Gere is back with a thrilling film located in the heart of Europe; an experienced ace reporter whose luck has turned him down. A role just made for the American actor, who totally masters the character with good doses of cynicism and black humor.

Bosnia will be the torn country of the reencounter with Duck (Terrence Howard), his old companion and cameraman. Terrence is becoming the hottest black actor in Hollywood nowadays after his also outstanding performance in The Brave One, together with Jodie Foster, and here again appears as the perfect complement for Gere. Jesse Eisenberg as the “rookie” reporter completes an excellent trio that is going to be able to do what all the international organizations together (NATO, CIA, etc) seems not to achieve: to find the most wanted war terrorist in Europe.

For those of you who are clever enough, it is quite easy to find that the character of “The Fox” is directly based on Radovan Karadzic, ex leader of the Serbian-Bosnian, who is still free nowadays and wanted with a reward of 5 million dollars offered by the USA government.

Without stridencies, director Richard Shepard achieves a square movie just mixing good dialogues and credible scenarios that can really give you the feeling that everything can happen in the heart of Bosnia. A good film not to forget the atrocities of our recent past and also, that the responsible of those crimes against humanity should be not left unpunished.

Rating  4/5.

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