In any case, watching the Princess Bride
took me into the old habit of making a top ten about some aspect of cinema
(something we did during the printed edition of FREE! Magazine), so this time I
wanted to write my top ten of princesses in movies. If you think of other names
to add to the list, feel free to drop a line and write a comment in the blogs

{mosimage}Princesses in Movies:

  1. Princess Leia in Star Wars (1977). Maybe Jabba the Hutt was not the most
    handsome being in the galaxy, but he had an excellent taste when dressing
    Leia in a sexy metal bikini.
  2. Elora Danan in Willow ((1988). The cutest smile from a very special baby.
  3. Buttercup in The Princess Bride (1987). She made Westley have a
    hard time to recover her, but they had what most of couples miss soon or
    later: True love.
  4. Helene in Troy (2004). The beauty of Diana Kruger demolished the walls of Troy.
  5. Ariel in The Little Mermaid (1989). My favourite Disney´s
    princess. Maybe because she is a wild red haired…
  6. Princess Isabelle in Braveheart (1995). Sophie Marceau knew how
    to recognize the bravery of William Wallace.
  7. Princess Fiona in Shrek (2001). When an animation character has
    the voice of Cameron Díaz, she can be able even to throw kicks in the best
    “Matrix style”.
  8. Princess Moana in Pan´s Labyrinth (2006). Young  Ivana Baquero was one of the best
    revelations during last year.
  9. Princess Shakiko in Highlander (1986). Ok, she does not appear
    in the movie, only when Sean Connery tells the story, but don’t you feel
    like you had loved to watch how Ramirez stole her from her father’s arms?
  10. Xena: The Princess Warrior (1995). Well, she comes from a TV
    series, but the wild dreams of many men after watching her adventures make
    her worthy to appear in the top ten

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