{mosimage}Tim Burton, Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter gather together again in the dark streets of London. Many fans of Tim Burton, me included, were very excited when they knew […]
There will be blood
{mosimage}Greed, religious fanatics, money, oil… an explosive mix for this adaption of the novel by Upton Sinclair. There will be blood gives us the chance to see once more to […]
{mosimage}High quality black and white animation (in most parts of the movie) for this raw vision of the life of a young Iranian girl. Not, as more than one Finnish […]
Where the hammer lies bleeding.
{mosimage}Swedish Hammerfall have been on top of heavy metal scene for more than one decade. We had a great chat with Oscar Dronjack, their guitar player, with time to talk […]
Texas Faggott – Kininigin
{mosimage}Finnish band that has been around since 1996 offering good doses of psychedelic trance music. Not from Texas but from Finland comes this band led by Tim Thick and Pentti […]
Chrome Division – Booze, Broads and Beelzebub.
{mosimage}If you like bands like Motörhead, surely Chrome Division will find fast a place in your musical collection. From Norway comes this new band, but far away from being composed […]
Hydrogyn – Deadly Passions
{mosimage}Hydrogyn comes stronger than ever to show that in Kentucky there is not only fried chicken, but also good hard rock. Guitarist Jeff Westlake and vocalist Julie Westlake formed the […]
Crimes of Passion – Crimes of Passion
{mosimage}Formed in 2005, English Crimes of Passion brings back some good guitar riffs and sleazy rock for nostalgic of the 80s! Putting aside weird musical experiments from other rock bands, […]
Goodnight Monsters – Summer Challenge
{mosimage}Valtteri Virtanen and Matti Jasu feature their second studio album, full of positive energy and good vibes to have an unforgettable summer! The guys from Turku started their musical career […]
Musicians down to earth
I had yesterday a nice evening at Tammerfest in Tampere. I visited the backstage to make an interview with Lovex, and ended up hanging around with the guys around the […]
Tampere is a party!
{mosimage}Same than every year on summer, Tammerfest will be held in the middle of July, from today 9th until Saturday the 12th, in the city of Tampere. An unique occasion […]
Euro champions!!!
Although this website focuses on culture in Finland and neighboring countries, I cannot less that put a patriotic note today telling: we won the football Eurocup! It was about time […]
Honest music in a selfish world
{mosimage} Kinetik Control has been one of the nicest new surprises in the Finnish music scene during the past months; a band with a very personal style not afraid of […]
Isobel Campbell & Mark Lanegan – Sunday at Devil Dirt
{mosimage}Mixing the voices of Campbell and Lanegan in one single album is like mixing heaven and hell, ice and fire that turns into a new musical limbo. The soft voice […]
Messengers – Messengers
{mosimage}Dave Lindholm, one of the most legendary Finnish musician active, is back together with American Joe Vestich in this new project. Talking about Dave Lindholm is talking about a live […]