{mosimage}With this philosophical title the Finnish guys introduce us their new studio album full of good indie pop.


Indie Finnish music scene is not as strong as hard rock and heavy metal scene, but surely it has improved a lot in the recent years with fresh bands like Brightboy or the invasion by the record label Fullsteam. What we have here is (thanks god some diversity…) not another band “made in Fullsteam”, but a group of 5 guys that started 3 years ago with this project and are at the present day signed with Pyramid/Johanna Kustannus, releasing their debut album after having gained experience in the international music scene.

Actually, we recently talked to you about the Californian guys from I hate Kate, and saving the distances, there are some resemblances between both bands: they have been around for the same time, they both gained a good reputation in Japan and they both have new albums with excellent lyrics. As an example, listen to Weakness for Welfare or Brand New Beginning from the Finnish guys, and be ready to enjoy.

Maybe the compulsory melancholic mood is here more constantly present than in the Americans I hate Kate, but certainly Automatic Eye deserves to be recognized far beyond the frontiers of Finland. We hope that they can get a good push of promotion and show the world that in Finland there is also space for a good indie pop scene.  

Rating 4/5.

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