{mosimage}Vin Diesel is back with an apocalyptic action movie that will bring him from Russia to USA in a trip full of adrenaline!

Directed by actor and director Mathieu Kassovitz, this Babylon A.D. hooks you up for the first half an hour. The plot is kind of interesting, the post apocalyptic future reminds of Children of Men, the appearance of Gerard Depardieu is a nice wink…and that pretty much is. Because the more the plot advances, the more absurd it turns. What it could have been one of the best action movies of the last months turns into a twisted story that nobody fully understand in the end.

A pity, because the beginning was promising, Vin Diesel is credible and the chemistry with Melanie Thierry as Aurora does exist.Next time Kassovitz wants to mix philosophy and action in a movie, better think twice.

For the fans of contact sports, legendary fighter of MMA and K1 Jerome Le Banner makes a cameo. The general impression is nevertheless disappointing.

Rating 2/5

{mosimage}The best: Jerome Le Banner fighting in a cage with Vin Diesel.

The worst: they want to turn the end of the movie into something that nobody understands. They ruined the product with the sub-plot.

The detail: It seems Fox and Kassovitz did not have a smooth business relation. Fox cut 70 minutes of the planned length time. Maybe the reason for such a “rushy” final.

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