{mosimage}Aaron Eckhart is a loser not happy with his current life. Addicted to candies, cheated by his wife… he will find a new meaning to his life with the intervention of a young kid. 

After watching Bill, I still have not decided if I liked the movie or not. There are as many points in favor as against this movie. Aaron Eckhart´s role is certainly good, sometimes even brilliant. He is credible as a man with no personal achievements always running with the flow that the family of his wife imposes him. There are some enjoyable moments and lines in the film, and certainly you do not get bored watching it.  But after half of the movie passed, I thought that the final 20 minutes could have been better developed. The script has some flaws, and maybe the character is not everything you would expect from him.

From my point of view it was a mistake not to develop more the relation between the kid and Jessica Alba, that would have add a nice touch of transgression in the movie. I suppose the American moral does not allow to feature openly a relation between an underage guy and a young beautiful girl in her twenties, but certainly it is some more doses of transgression what is missed in the movie; the reaction of Eckhart when being cheated is not very plausible, neither the happenings after the mini “orgy” in the tent. And Alba’s appearance is pretty wasted here, not adding much to the flow of the action. 

It is a pity that the script was spoiled to give a more politically correct ending to the movie, because certainly this Bill could have turned out to be a little masterpiece. Unfortunately, it finishes as just a good comedy that could have been better. 

Rating 3/5.

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