{mosimage}The foursome from Kentucky strikes back with their second studio album. 

As I said in previous reviews, I am not a person very fond of mixing religious views and rock. A Black Stone Cherry´s component repeatedly thanks God for their album, but I suppose there must be some enlightenment there, when they were able to create such a little masterpiece. It is difficult to catalogue the style of the guys from Kentucky, but it is at the same time easy to see many influences in their music: Black Crowes, AC/DC, Nickebalck… 

From the first track (and one of the best in the albums) Blind Man, you can notice that this album is not the one meticulously planned in the studio. The guitar riffs sound raw and natural, and I personally like that feeling of little improvisation around the 12 songs that compose this Folklore and Superstition. With no song equal to the previous one, but at the same time with a common spirit of good rock with roots, Black Stone Cherry have been able to gladly shock me with this album; one of the nicest surprises of 2008 so far. 

Rating 5/5.

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