Articles Concerts Misc Music

Trip hop pioneer Tricky to headline Station Narva festival

Trip hop pioneer Tricky will headline the music and city culture festival Station Narva along Echo & the Bunnymen and Actress. The first edition of the Station Narva festival will take place in the easternmost Estonian city Narva on 21st-23rd September. From today, 27th August the single-day tickets for the festival are available for purchase for 25 euros.

The festival is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Estonia and powered by Telia.

Tricky, one of the most influential trip hop artists, will perform in the post-apocalyptic surroundings of the grand industrial architecture complex of Kreenholm Manufacturing Company on Friday, 21st September.

Tricky, real name Adrian Nicholas Matthews Thaws, is a trip hop pioneer from Bristol, UK, currently residing in Berlin. A quarter-century after his first appearance on wax, and collaborations with Beyoncé, Yoko Ono, and Grace Jones, he still possesses a sound that he made entirely his own – a blend of hip hop, ragga, rock and disembodied lyrical threats, reconstructualising samples and slices of both the most respected black music and the tackiest pop. Tricky began his career as an early collaborator of Massive Attack before embarking on a solo career with his debut album, Maxinquaye, in 1995. The album went gold in the U.K and was nominated for Mercury Prize; the critics spazzed out and David Bowie himself wrote a prose poem about the artist for Q magazine. In 2017 Tricky returned with his 13th album, “ununiform“, a delicate, storming and intricate album that saw him take perhaps his most radical step yet – a journey into happiness and contentment, confronting his legacy, history, and even death itself. Four tracks of the album were recorded in Moscow, featuring Russian rappers Scriptonite, Vasily Vakulenko (Basta), and Smokey Mo.

The live music hotspots of the festival will be the Kreenholm Manufacturing Company and the cultural hacktivists’ headquarters Art Club Ro-Ro on 21st and 22nd September. Along Tricky the headliners of the festival are the grandmasters of nocturnal pop Echo & the Bunnymen and the cerebral electronic music producer Actress, both from the UK.

Station Narva music programme by day:

Friday, 21st September: Tricky (UK), Actress (UK), Jenny Wilson (SE), Una Bomba 50 + (EE), Zahir (EE), Grechka (RU), View (FI), Beebilõust (EE), RSAC (RU), Shortparis (RU), Propazha (EE)

Saturday, 22nd September: Echo & the Bunnymen (UK), Gazelle Twin (UK), 12EEK Monkey (EE), Mart Avi (EE), Joensuu1685 (FI), Fever Dream (IS), Sõpruse Puiestee (EE), Электрофорез / Electroforez (RU), Indrek Spungin (EE), Tam i Tut (EE), Eksponatika Clan (EE) Guesthouse (EE), PTF1987 (EE)

Besides the two-day music programme, the whole city will come alive with various interactions during Station Narva. On Sunday, 23rd September, Narva will receive the annual title of the “autumn capital”, followed by a public get-together meal at the long table on the shores of the River Narva. A trilingual stand-up performance will take place in cooperation with Comedy Estonia, and the European Commission Representation in Estonia will arrange Speak Dating sessions. Narva Art Residency will offer art activities and host public talks under the umbrella of the Narva’s BAZAR opinion festival. Station Narva’s info desk along with DIGIX Games Café will be open in the Narva College of the University of Tartu. The full programme of Station Narva will be announced in the beginning of September.

Station Narva 2018 Festival Passes are on sale at Piletilevi web shop and sales points across Estonia for 39 euros. Single Day Tickets for music programme on 21st and 22nd September can be purchased for 25 euros.–the-bunnymen-uk-tricky-uk-actress-uk-jt-58198/

The festival pass and day ticket are not valid for the Comedy Estonia stand-up show on 23rd September at Ro-Ro Club.

Articles FREE! Blog Misc

Mr Greenin uusi virtuaalinen live-casino – hitti vai huti?

Blackjack, ruletti, baccarat, pöytäpokerit… Jos olet joskus vieraillut Helsingin Grand Casinolla tai jollain ulkomaalaisella kivijalkacasinolla, olet varmasti nähnyt, kuinka suosittuja nämä perinteiset pöytäpelit oikein ovat. Pelaajat rakastavat edelleen niiden verrattain yksinkertaista pelimekaniikkaa, jossa omilla valinnoilla on kuitenkin tärkeä rooli. Säännöt ja strategia on siis syytä opetella kunnolla, jotta saa peleistä kaiken irti.

Live-casinot tuovat nämä suosikkipelit casinopelaajien ulottuville ympäri maailman. Ne toimivat perinteisten netticasinoiden sisällä omina osioinaan, joihin ei tarvitse luoda erillistä tiliä. Avaamalla tilin netticasinolle saa käyttöönsä myös sen live-casinon – tai live-casinot.

Live Beyond Live – askel kohti aitoa virtuaalista casinokokemusta

Tässä artikkelissa katsastamme yhden Suomen suosituimman casinon, Mr Greenin, uuden live-casinopalvelun, jota kutsutaan vaikuttavalla nimellä ”Live Beyond Live”. Se ei korvaa Mr Greenin jo olemassa olevaa live-casinoa vaan pyrkii tarjoamaan vielä aidomman kokemuksen niille pelaajille, joille perinteinen live-casinokaan ei ole tarpeeksi. Vaan onko herra Vihreä yhtä tyylikäs livenä kuin kampanjoissaan?

Jos olet seurannut pelialaa viime vuosina, saatat muistaa, kuinka suuren hypen saattelemana virtuaalilasit otettiin vastaan. Moni casino alkoi välittömästi suunnitella omaa virtuaalista 3D-peliympäristöään, jossa hyödynnettäisiin virtuaalilaseja, kuten Oculus Riftiä. Idea oli hyvä, mutta toteutus tuntui jäävän kaikilla hieman puolitiehen.

Tästä ei kuitenkaan voi varsinaisesti syyttää casinoita. Virtuaalilaseilla pelaaminen ei ainakaan vielä ole ottanut juurikaan tulta alleen, sillä teknologian taso ja hinta eivät ole oikein tasapainossa. Vaikka Oculus on saanut hyviäkin uutisia, kuten huhtikuussa julkaistava Skyrim VR, joka tukee Oculus Riftiä, lienee hinta kuitenkin sunnuntaipelaajille edelleen liikaa. Esimerkiksi Oculus Rift ja Touch -paketista joutuu edelleen Oculuksen kotisivujen mukaan maksamaan 449 euroa. Ja kun ihmiset jättivät virtuaalilasit hyllyyn, haudattiin idea virtuaalisesta 3D-pelaamisesta myös useimmilla casinoilla hetkeksi.

Mr Greenin Live Beyond Live ei pyri aloittamaan virtuaalilasibuumia uudelleen. Se ottaa sen sijaan fiksusti idean parhaat puolet käyttöönsä ja muokkaa niistä jo yleisessä käytössä olevan nykyteknologian mukaisen tyylikkään sekoituksen. Pelaajat liikkuvat 3D-peliympäristössä ja pelaavat virtuaalisessa casinohuoneessa, mutta kaikki toimii silti nopeasti ja sulavasti, eikä lisälaitteita tarvita. Kaikki modernit älypuhelimet ja tabletit ovat tuettujen laitteiden listalla, joten kuka tahansa voi astua sisään tähän casinomaailmaan missä ja milloin vain.

Tervetuloa Los Angelesiin!

Virtuaalinen casino on siitä mukava paikka, että se voi sijaita missä tahansa. Mr Greenillä on päätetty sijoittaa Live Beyond Live sellaiseen paikkaan, jossa maisemia kelpaa katsella pidempäänkin. Los Angeles on tähän oiva valinta, ja yhteen sen luksuskattohuoneistoista on nyt viritetty tyylikäs pieni casino. Taustalla näkyy öisen kaupungin valoja ja taivasta, jota valaisevat lentokoneet sekä nousevat ja laskevat helikopterit.

Live Beyond Live sisältää kirjoitushetkellä neljä pelipöytää (kaksi rulettia, kaksi blackjackia), joiden ääressä kortteja jakavat ja rulettipyörää pyörittävät oikeat jakajat. Fyysisesti heitä ei toki ole Los Angelesiin saakka lennätetty, mutta virtuaalinen peliympäristö mahdollistaa sen, että pöydät pelinhoitajineen vaikuttavat todella sijaitsevan tyylikkäässä kattohuoneistossa.

Ei mikään aavecasino

Jakajien ja pelipöytien lisäksi casinolla liikkuu myös ihmisiä. Virtuaalicasinoilta tuttuun tyyliin pöytien ääressä istuvat pelaajat ovat todella paikalla, ja voit seurata heidän pelaamistaan samaan aikaan kuin pelaat itse. Neljä pöytää on viritetty pienehköön tilaan niin, että reaaliaikainen videokuva kattaa kerralla ainakin pöydän tai pari. Näin voit katsoa, kuinka muut voittavat viereisissä pöydissä, tai muuttaa kanssapelaajasi kateudesta vihreiksi osumalla itse suurvoittoon. Casinolla pyörii menossa mukana myös Mr Green itse – siis sivuston mainoskampanjoista tuttu vihreään pukuun sonnustautunut herrasmies.

Oman pelipöydän valitseminen onnistuu kahdella tapaa. Nopeimmin uuden pöydän saa valittua yksinkertaisesti klikkaamalla sitä omalla näytöllään. Jos istut esimerkiksi blackjack-pöydässä, mutta haluat siirtyä hetkeksi ruletin pariin, napauta vain pelaajasymbolia kyseisen pöydän ääressä. Pääset siirtymään uuteen pöytään välittömästi, ja olet valmis pelaamaan seuraavalla kierroksella.

Jos haluat kokea vielä aidomman casinoelämyksen, voit lähteä tallustamaan ympäri kattohuoneistoa minikartan avulla. Sen kautta näet kaikki jakajat ja pöytien tiedot, jotta sopivan tuolin valitseminen on helpompaa.

Pöydän vaihtaminen tuo pelaamiseen mukavaa vaihtelua, sillä samalla vaihtuu myös kamerakulma, josta casinoa katselet. Jos esimerkiksi haluat seurata ison panoksen pelejä, mutta jatkaa silti omaa pelaamistasi, voit valita pienemmän panostason pöydän, josta on suora näköyhteys haluamaasi pöytään.

Näin se toimii

Kuten sanottua, Mr Greenin Live Beyond Live on saatavilla ainoastaan mobiililaitteille. Mitään erillistä ohjelmistoa ei tarvitse ladata, mutta pelitili on luotava ennen pelaamisen aloittamista. Toisin kuin tavalliset casinopelit, live-casinopelit eivät ole yleensä kokeiltavissa ilmaiseksi, ja samaa koskee myös Live Beyond Liveä. Sinun on siis tehtävä casinolle pieni talletus, jotta pääset voittamaan virtuaalimuodossa.

Kun tili on avattu, pääset pelaamaan nopeasti. Avaa vain virtuaalicasino, valitse pöytäsi ja istu jollekin vapaista tuoleista. Panoksen valitseminen onnistuu rullaamalla laitteesi ruutua hieman alaspäin. Ole tarkkana, jotta ehdit valita oikean panoksen, ennen kuin pelikierros alkaa – muuten kierros jää sillä kerralla välistä.

Pelisysteemin oppii todella nopeasti, joten Live Beyond Liveä voi huoletta suositella hieman kokemattomammillekin nettipelaajille. Kyseessä on onnistunut kokonaisuus jo nyt, ja jäämme mielenkiinnolla odottamaan, laajeneeko konsepti jatkossa esimerkiksi uusien pelien merkeissä. Ja ehkäpä ne virtuaalilasitkin tulevat vielä…

Cover story Interviews Misc

Interview with Finnish snowboarder Enni Rukajärvi

Enni Rukajärvi has already become a living legend in the history of Finnish sports after achieving her second Olympic medal at PyengChang during last winter. Bringing the focus and attention to female participation in winter sports in Finland, she is an example of endurance, perseverance and skills owning an adventurous spirit hungry to overcome the next challenge. FREE! Magazine had the chance to send her a few questions about her past, present and future. If you want to see her amazing snowboarding skills live, you can have soon the chance to see her competing in the incoming X Games to be celebrated in Norway between 18-20 of May.

First of all, thanks a lot for attending FREE! Magazine’s questions, Enni! You competed recently last February on the Olympic Games at PyeongChang, where you got a bronze medal in slopestyle and also competed in Big Air discipline. How was the general experience there in South Korea and your memories of the competitions?

-I liked South Korea, people were nice and food was good. Everything worked pretty well, slope style course was well built and Big air jump was nice too. Just the windy conditions were a down side and it was one of my scariest moments to compete in those crazy windy conditions during the slopestyle.

In what ways was similar or different to your previous first (silver) medal in Sochi in 2014?

-In many ways it was different, first of all Sochi was my first Olympics so I didn’t know what to expect at all and also during the Sochi games I was injured and not sure if I was even able to compete so it was a big battle to even make it happen. I felt way more pressure there and I got quite a lot media attention in Finland. After I landed my last run in Sochi I was just so happy to land a run after all the struggle I have had there and I was also happy that it was finally over.

Going to South Korea everything felt way more easier and less exciting because I already knew what to expect. I also felt less pressure. It was such a shame we had to compete in that crazy weather but again after my second run I was just happy to land a run and survive. Also all the media attention after getting the medal felt easier this time.

Was it demanding to participate in both slopestyle and air competitions during same Olympics? If I am not mistaken, this was the first time that Air was introduced in the Olympics. Do they require any particular separated training/mind set for each discipline?

-Yes and no, for sure slopestyle took a lot of energy already but Big Air is kinda easier especially after slopestyle when you only need to concentrate on one jump instead of a whole run. For me it doesn’t require different mind set or training, I think they go hand in hand.

Could you tell us how and why you started practicing snowboarding?

-My home is really close to a ski resort in North of Finland where the winters are long so it was kinda natural thing to do. I started skiing first and then I wanted to try snowboarding because it looked so cool. Also I was always interested to learn new things and tricks so snowboarding was perfect thing to do.

What is what you love the most about snowboarding?

-You can always learn new things and challenge yourself and do it with your friends without rules.

I have heard that you pretty much love practising many other kind of sports too. What do you do when you are not snowboarding?

-Skateboarding, gym, yoga, biking, jogging, different kind of games like basketball, beach volleyball etc..pretty much everything

Snowboard practice looks a lot of fun but certainly there is always a big risk of injuries. How do you face the situations when you have hurt yourself and then you are back on the snow? Do snowboarders have a bit of special mind set to disregard the risks?

-Always after injury it takes some time to get 100 % back, but best way for me is just start riding and doing really easy tricks to built the confidence back and when you do that at some point you just feel as good as before and you are ready to try new tricks again. For sure snowboarders have a bit of a special mind set for everything and you don’t think about the risks that much when you are snowboarding.

Following up the previous question, when the years pass by practicing the sport, do you always keep the attitude the same or is there some moment when you can think of a jump or a trick that you would have tried with no hesitation when being 17 but then you feel more cautious to try when you have competed for several years?

-For me I think that goes other way around actually, I have always been pretty hesitated and thought through really well before I try anything new. I’m way better rider now so I know I can try crazier things now than when I was 17 so with my experience I have got to be less hesitant about trying new stuff.

When you are competing, do you have any particular routine to concentrate in the minutes/seconds before being ready to start on the ramp?

-I kinda do. I like to listen music, think about my run and be on my own a little bit and just before I drop in I try to think about something else.

What are your favourite places for snowboarding that you have visited around the world? And favourite competitions?

-Japan for sure, I love snow and Japan has a lot of snow! And my favorite competition has always been European Open called Laax Open nowadays. Laax is also a really fun place to ride because they have everything from jumps to rails, pipe and pow!

When seen from outside, the atmosphere around snowboarding always looks happy and easy going. Is it easy to make new friends around the tour circuit?

-I think it is, especially on the girls side we all hang out together. I think the atmosphere is pretty welcoming for the new younger riders.

Are there any other snowboarders that you particularly admire?

Markku Koski and Arthur Longo and many more

Have you thought in the future what would you like doing when you will stop competing at high level? Would you like to continue linked to the sport, or try some other areas?

-I hope next I could start filming video parts and riding more pow. After that I’m not sure, I think I will always stay in snowboarding somehow maybe do some other stuff too, will see.

You are confirmed as one participant in the incoming X Games in Norway that will take place in May. What are your expectations about the event?

I’m really excited about it, I think it’s gonna be a really different experience again. I also like Norway so it should be fun!

Anything else you would like to add for your readers?

-Let’s go snowboarding!

For more information about X Games in Norway, visit:


Articles Misc

Helsinki Tourist Information to move to Central Railway Station

As of this May, visitors to the Finnish capital will be served by Tourist Information at two new locations. Tourist Information will focus even more on digital services and face-to-face interactions. Other seasonal services for visitors will also begin at the start of May.

In addition to Helsinki Region Tourist Information at Helsinki Airport, tourist information services will be available at the Central Railway Station and inside Stockmann’s department store beginning this May. The main Tourist Information office that has been located for the past fifty years on the Esplanade will move to the ticket hall of the historic Central Railway Station. The current office on the corner of Pohjoisesplanadi and Unioninkatu will remain open as normal until Sunday 22 April.

In addition to the new office at the Central Railway Station, a MyHelsinki service point will be set up inside Stockmann’s department store in the city centre. The new service point will offer digital services for finding information, as well as maps and brochures.

The new locations will open in May. During the move, Tourist Information services will be available from Virka Info inside City Hall.

Visitors rely on the internet these days to search for information, so the needs for traditional tourist information services have changed. At the same time, personal recommendations and face-to-face interactions are still a vital part of the visitor experience. Our new locations will help us serve visitors even better in the places where they are most likely to have questions,” says Laura Aalto, CEO of Helsinki Marketing.

Personal recommendations also digitally and courtesy of Helsinki Helpers

Helsinki Marketing has taken major steps in the development of digital services for visitors. The award-winning website serves visitors in six languages, and all the content is based on local recommendations. In addition, services for Chinese visitors are also being developed in collaboration with Tencent, one of the world’s biggest digital service providers.

Visitors to Helsinki in summertime are also served on the streets of the city by the Helsinki Helpers in their easily identifiable green jackets. This year they will begin their season already in May. In addition, tourist information will still be available in the historic centre of Helsinki during the summer season at the convenient Info Container by the Market Square. The Info Container will serve visitors next to the Havis Amanda fountain starting from Thursday 3 May.

Tourist Information premises on the Esplanade now available to new tenants

Following the move to the Central Railway Station, the Tourist Information premises on the Esplanade will be available to new tenants. The Tori Quarters commercial district is currently looking for a suitable business for the premises, which occupy a prime location in the historic city centre.

The Tourist Information office on the corner of Pohjoisesplanadi and Unioninkatu is without doubt one of the most attractive premises in the city centre. The location welcomes visitors coming from the Esplanade Park and Market Square to the historic Tori Quarters. We are looking for an attractive business that could further enhance the diverse offerings in the Tori Quarters for locals and visitors alike,” says Peggy Bauer, Operative Director for the Tori Quarters commercial district.

Articles Misc

Tallinn Music Week introduces best restaurants in town, popular street food, craft coffee, flashy cocktail bars and cooking workshops.

The TMW pop-up bar that has become one of the most popular hotspots among the festival’s visitors in the last four years will again open its doors at the centrally located Design and Architecture Gallery. Renard Coffee Shop will offer a quality coffee from Scandinavia’s top micro-roasteries and culinary duo Raba Peet will take care of the taste experiences.

Keit Lillemäe, one of the founders of Renard Coffee Shop, a small coffee bar with a big spirit that operated near Telliskivi Creative City until January of this year, promises to create a lovely meeting place for the festival’s visitors: “TMW has always been a very inspirational festival for me. This time, the expectations are especially big and challenging. Together with my sister Kadi Maidre as the culinary duo Raba Peet we promise that nobody shall leave the cafe with an empty stomach.”

In addition to the pop-up bar, there are 25 eating and drinking spots in the TMW restaurants selection which offer special TMW menus carefully crafted by their head chefs as well as special offers to the owners of the festival passes.

Among others, the restaurants presented include the pre-eminent plant-based restaurant Von Krahli AED, healthy vegan buffet BlissTray, cozy cake shop & cafe Ristikheina Kohvik, brasserie restaurant and Golden Era-style cocktail bar Tabac, creative “fusion-confusion” restaurant Kolm Sibulat, coffee pantry KOKOMO and a unique beer shop TapTap at Rotermann Quarter, restaurant Korsten, Armastus ja Hea Toit based at the Tallinn Creative Hub, and restaurant Sfäär with rooms inspired by the aesthetic universe of Estonian artist Tõnis Vint.

As part of the TMW and in cooperation with the Estonian Refugee Council, there will be cooking workshops followed by dinners “Let’s get to know each other!” held in the demo kitchen at Balti Station Market. Knowledgeable nutritionists can participate in sustainable brunches by Korilase Köök and fans of the Latin American kitchen can join home dinners “Taco night with Mexicans”.

All TMW 2018 passes include special offers at the TMW Tastes restaurants. Clients of festival’s presenter Telia get a 20% discount on all pre-sale tickets and passes.

The project “Let’s get to know each other!” is financed by the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund and the Estonian Ministry of the Interior.

Additional information:

Articles Misc

Musiikkiaiheiset pelit toimivat tribuutteina suosikkiartisteille

Musiikki on etenkin nykyaikana paljon enemmän kuin pelkkiä säveliä. Bändien ja artistien ympäriltä löytyy yhtä sun toista oheistuotetta aina erilaisista fanituotteista nimikkojuomiin ja toimintafiguureihin. Onpa joistakin aikojemme merkittävimmistä yhtyeistä ja legendaarisimmista artisteista tehty elokuviakin. Aivan oma lukunsa ovat musiikin ja bändien maailmasta tehdyt pelit, jotka ovat hieno tapa tehdä kunniaa loistavalle musiikille.

Kitaran varteen Guitar Hero ja Rock Band -peleissä

Hyvin toteutettujen pelien siivellä pääsee paitsi maistamaan aitoa rock-tunnelmaa, myös nauttimaan suosikkiyhtyeensä musiikista. Pelit voivat myös tarjota mahdollisuuden olla tähtenä bändin riveissä – tällainen peli on esimerkiksi todella suosittu The Beatles: Rock Band. PlayStation 3:lle, Wii:lle ja Xbox 360:lle vuonna 2009 julkaistu peli pitää sisällään 45 The Beatlesin kappaletta, joita pelaajat pääsevät soittamaan sekä laulamaan yksin tai porukalla. Rock Band -pelisarjaan kuuluu myös samaan henkeen kasattu laatupeli Green Day -yhtyeestä.

Klassikkobändit mukana kolikkopeleissä

Myös netin kasinoilla on useita musiikkiaiheisia videokolikkopelejä, joita pelaamalla pääset sukeltamaan esimerkiksi Motörheadin ja Guns N’ Rosesin maailmaan. Kummatkin pelit ovat nettikasinoalan valmistajajätti NetEntin käsialaa ja ne on julkaistu vuonna 2017.

Asennetta näistä peleistä ei totisesti puutu – taidolla toteutettua Guns N’ Roses -kolikkopeliä pelatessaan voi miltei tuntea olevansa mukana jollakin yhtyeen legendaarisista ja ylistetyistä keikoista eikä Motörheadin nimikkopeli jää vertailussa huonommalle sijalle sekään. Riippuneekin ennen kaikkea omasta musiikkimausta, kumman pelin puikoissa on parempi meininki!

Peliseikkailua rankalla heavy metal -mausteella

Perinteisempää seikkailupeliä kaipaavat metallin ystävät nauttivat taatusti vuonna 2009 julkaistusta Brütal Legend -pelistä. PlayStation 3 ja Xbox 360 -konsoleille julkaistu strategia-seikkailupeli on Double Fine Productionsin kehittämä ja sen ääniraidalta löytyy 108 kappaleen verran metallimusiikkia aina Judas Priestista Ozzy Osbourneen. Pelissä vilisee myös genrestä tuttuihin legendoihin pohjautuvia hahmoja, jotka ovat tunnistettavuudessaan todella hauskoja. Ääninäyttelijöinä toimivat hahmojen esikuvat, muun muassa Motörhead-legenda Lemmy Kilmister. Pelivalmistajan mukaan huippusuositusta pelistä on vielä jossain vaiheessa luvassa jatko-osa ja sitä moni heavyn ystävä odottaakin kieli pitkällä kuin Gene Simmonsilla konsanaan.

Articles Misc

Video: Surviving 24h in Helsinki with no money

Articles Misc

Two special two-euro Finnish commemorative coins will be released in 2018, along with a series of commemorative five-euro coins

Two Finnish special two-euro commemorative coins will be released in 2018. The theme of the special commemorative coin released in the spring will be Finnish National Landscape Koli and the autumn’s special coin will pay tribute to Finnish Sauna Culture. The launch of nine five-euro commemorative coins in honour of Finland’s National Landscapes is also in the works.

Finland’s national landscapes symbolise the Finnish character and have a generally recognised significance in Finland’s national culture, history and perception of nature. The total mintage of the special two-euro commemorative coins paying tribute to Koli National Park in North Karelia will be one million. Mint of Finland is also planning a 2018 release of nine commemorative coins themed around Finnish national landscapes. The nominal value of each base-metal commemorative coin will be five euros.

The first special two-euro commemorative coin to be released in 2018 will share its theme of Koli with the opening coin in the series of five-euro Finnish National Landscapes coins. In the summer of 2017, Mint of Finland coordinated an online poll in which the Finns voted for nine of their most beloved national landscapes to be featured on the commemorative coins. Koli National Park received the most votes in the poll.

The obverse of the Finnish National Landscapes Koli commemorative coin depicts the view from the summit of Koli, while the reverse bears an image of the map of Finland. The commemorative coin is designed by Erkki Vainio (obverse) and Mari Metso (reverse) on the basis of a photograph taken by Juha-Pekka Järvenpää.

The maximum mintages of commemorative coins released in the Finnish National Landscapes series will be 3,000 proof-quality coins and 15,000 UNC-quality coins per release.

The mintage of the Finnish Sauna Culture special two-euro commemorative coins released in the autumn of 2018 will be one million. The special commemorative coin is designed by Erkki Vainio.

Special two-euro commemorative coins can be obtained as change in regular circulation or purchased from the Mint of Finland online shop,, and from retailers. Finnish National Landscapes commemorative coins will be available from the Mint of Finland online shop and the mint’s retailers.

Articles Blogs FREE! Blog Misc

Finnish stand up comedian Ismo shows us how ass is the most complicated word in English language

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Aivojumpan hyödyt

Monet meistä ovat oppineet pitämään itsestään parempaa huolta. Uudet urheilulajit puskevat läpi yhä useammalta suunnalta ja trendejä seurataan silmä kovana. Kaiken pöhinän keskellä on joskus helppo unohtaa se, mikä urheilunkin päätavoite on: hyvä ja terve mieli. Vaikka pitkän päivän jälkeen onkin helppo pyöräyttää Netflix päälle ja vaipua viihteen uumeniin, kannattaa silloin tällöin myös harkita kunnon henkisen verryttelyn hyviä puolia.

Kuinka pitää mieli virkeänä?

Kun puhutaan aivoista, täytyy muistaa että niitä voi lähteä haastamaan mitä erilaisemmilla tavoilla. Joillekin integraalilaskut tuottavat vaikeuksia, jotkut eivät saa piirrettyä edes tikku-ukkoja suoraan. Mitä osa-aluetta itse haluaisit kehittää? Jo läppärin äärelle istuttaessa vaihtoehdot ovat rajattomia. On milloin vain mahdollista napsauttaa selaimelle näkyviin shakkilauta ja alkaa vääntämään kättä henkisesti tai vaikka ratkoa sudokua.

Tänne olemme koonneet muutaman ehdotuksen hyvistä tavoista pitää aivot tiukilla!

Kirjan lukeminen

Jos ei satu olemaan kilpailuhenkisellä tuulella, kirja on hyvä tapa pitää mieli hereillä. Netti on pullollaan monenlaisia palveluita, joista voi ladata mieluista luettavaa. Lukeminen vaatii vain uppoutumista, mikä voi olla jopa rentouttavampaa kuin vaikkapa videon katsominen, vaikka se aktivoikin aivoja aivan eri tavalla. Lukeminen auttaa muistia, lisää tietoutta ja parantaa sanavarastoa.

Palveluita löytyy niin maksullisina kuin maksuttominakin. Esimerkki maksuttomasta palvelusta on, jossa pääsee lukemaan kirjautumisen jälkeen haluamiaan teoksia. Toki kirjan lukeminen onnistuu muuallakin kuin netissä. Suomesta löytyy kiistatta yksi maailman parhaimmista kirjastojärjestelmistä, joten maksamilleen veroille kannattaa ehdottomasti käydä hakemassa vastinetta muutaman kovakantisen verran.

Pelaaminen rahalla

Usein ylenkatsottu puoli korttipeleissä, tuuripeleissä ja veikkauksissa on niiden analyyttinen vaativuus. Ne ovat loppujen lopuksi aina todennäköisyyslaskentaa. Pelit toki vaihtelevat hurjasti taidon ja tuurin välillä, mutta on varmaa, ettei löydy yhtäkään huippupelaajaa, joka istuu aivot nollilla ja luottaa tuuriinsa.

Kovimmat pelaajat kokeilevat monia erilaisia pelistrategioita ja onnistuvat tekemään pelaamisestaan jopa melko tuottoisaa. Voisi kuvitella, ettei vaikka pelirullissa ole juuri taktikoinnin varaa, mutta esimerkiksi suomalaiset kasinot tarjoavat monia erilaisia bonusvaihtoehtoja, joita vertailemalla voi saada hyviäkin etuja netissä pelatessa. Laskelmoivaa ajattelua tällainen hupi taatusti kehittää, mutta kohtuus on hyvä pitää mielessä.

Fiksu keskustelu

Moni ei koe foorumeilla notkumista kovin kehittävänä, mutta se riippuu täysin siitä miten aikansa siellä käyttää. On vaikea uskoa, kuinka monia erilaisia keskustelupalstoja netistä voikaan löytää. Yksi suurimmista keskustelusivustoista, joka on hyvä mainita, on Reddit. Sieltä löytyy alafoorumeita kaikesta maan ja taivaan väliltä.

Monet eri harrastusporukat, fanittajat ja kirjoittajat kohtaavat ja tuovat ajatuksiaan esille juuri heille tarkoitetuilla nettisivuilla. Kiinnostaako autot, poliittiset ilmiöt, astronomia, oluen paneminen tai metallimusiikki? Kaikille näille löytyy tuhatpäinen foorumi niin suomeksi kuin englanniksikin.

Ajankohtaisista asioista keskustelu, tiedon hankkiminen ja itsensä ilmaisu ovat kaikki aivoja vaativia tehtäviä. Löydä siis itsellesi sopiva sivusto ja pistä parastasi! Trollien välttely, argumentointi ja luova kirjoittaminen kehittävät niin monia henkisiä taitoja, ettei niitä kaikkia tänne kannata edes listata.


Aivot toimivat kuin lihas. Käyttämättöminä ne rapistuvat sitä nopeammin mitä vanhemmaksi tulee. Ne tarvitsevat haasteita tai ne surkastuvat. Jos olo on väsynyt, saamaton eikä luova ajattelu suju, ongelma saattaa olla vain verryttelyn puute. Kuten fyysinenkin liikunta, aivojumppa voi parantaa muistia, luovaa ajattelua ja vähentää ahdistusta.

On tärkeää olla ottamatta aivojumppaa liian vakavasti ja muistaa nauttia ajastaan. Jos ajatus stressaa liikaa, voi löhöily silloin tällöin olla ihan hyväkin ajatus. Kuten liikunnassakin, lopullinen tavoite on aina pitää itsensä terveenä ja onnellisena!

Articles Misc


On June 15th, Finland took part in the celebration of the “World Tapas Day”. This International Day is an occasion to celebrate the Spanish culture and gastronomy in the whole world, through one of its more emblematic dishes; the tapas. More than 600 restaurants from over 30 countries offered Spanish tapas to their customers around the world.

For the celebration of this International Day, The Spanish Tourist Office in Finland has counted on the assistance of Mikko Takala, one of the most relevant influencers on the international gastronomic scene. His assistance has been a guaranty of the quality and high level of the restaurants participating in this International Day.

On this year’s “Tapaspäivä” in Finland, 36 outstanding restaurants of Helsinki, Tampere, Turku, Rovaniemi and Oulu offered tapas and other dishes of the Spanish cuisine and, in many cases, offered special dishes of fusion cuisine.

On June 14, as a special event, a contest took place among 19 of the restaurants participating in the Tapas Day, in order to choose “The Best Tapas of Helsinki”. The contest was organized in the venue of the cooking school, Kokkikoulu Espa, and it counted on the sponsorship of the awarded wines of the Catalonian region of Empordà.

The jury was presided by Mikko Takala and also formed by Sauli Kemppainen, a renamed chef and author of gastronomic books, who is working in one of the most exclusive Restaurants of the city of Berlin, and Susanna Vuori, the head of a new bakery brand in Punavuori. She is a highly skilled baker and patissier, and has worked in various Michelin-starred restaurants in London and Paris.

The competition in this contest was very hard, and so was the work of the jury. Finally, the results were:

Second Honorary Award: BasBas & Staff wine bar (Tehtaankatu 27-29)

First Honorary Award: SOIL (Fredrikinkatu 37)

WINNER OF THE CONTEST: JORD (Kortteli, Urho Kekkosen Katu, 1)

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Sauna bus journey from Hanko to Nuorgam

Bus operator Savonlinja celebrates the 100th birthday of Finland with a stunt of its own. On June 7 2017, a specially equipped sauna bus will start off on its journey to drive across country. During the long weekend, the sauna will be hot and steamy from beginning to end. The entire endeavor will take 100 hours.

During the 1000+ kilometer trip – from the South Coast all the to the Norwegian border up in Lapland – the occupancy rate of the sauna will be very high indeed. As the bus makes stops in key Finnish cities along the way, sauna-lovers from all walks of life will board the bus: performers, city representatives, business people, students, journalists… And also regular citizens who won their sauna slot via a Savonlinja competition.

All participants have ID cards that they use when entering and exiting sauna. The idea is to maximize the minutes spent in the sauna during the trip. The custom-made “sauna-on-wheels” can comfortably fit four people at a time.

The host during the entire weekend will be Finnish superstar Ville Haapasalo.

The Long Hot Sauna is guaranteed to add some serious heat into the centennial festivities in a very patriotic way. After all, ‘sauna’ is the only Finnish word that has spread around the world and become a part of our common, global vocabulary.

For more information visit: www.pitkä (in Finnish)

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YLE will deliver live coverage of X Games Norway 2017 on YLE2 and will stream all event coverage live on, as well as live and on demand coverage on across Europe, Middle East and Africa (EMEA). Fans can watch the action live on YLE2 from Wednesday March 8. Check local listings for more information. All the action will also be available on ESPN Select – the new channel from ESPN Player which features live events from a wide range of sports. Events will be available live and on demand, allowing fans to watch the action at a time that suits them.

As the world’s premier action sports competition returns to Norway on March 8-11, the event features top athletes competing in eight different disciplines over four days for the second time. Taking place at the Hafjell ski resort, the winter games includes snowboard, ski and snowmobile events, with more than 70 competitors, among them several Olympians.

After successful competitions at X Games Oslo 2016, X Games will host Women’s Ski and Snowboard Big Air finals for the second time in Norway. The Norway X Games will also feature Snowboard and Ski Big Air (Men and Women) and – new to the event – Snowboard and Ski Slopestyle (Men and Women).


The biggest names in winter sports are set to take part in the games – including Norwegian X Games medalists Stale Sandbech, Markus Kleveland, Silje Norendal, Johanne Killi and Øystein Braaten. The world’s top ski and snowboard athletes will compete, including six-time X Games gold medalist Mark McMorris, 12-time X Games medalist Jamie Anderson, two-time defending Ski Slopestyle gold medalist and Big Air silver medalist Kelly Sildaru and X Games Oslo 2016 Ski Big Air gold medalist Henrik Harlaut. For the full list of invited athletes, please visit

Two Finnish riders received invites to compete at X Games Norway 2017 – Snowboarders Enni Rukajarvi and Roope Tonteri. A two-time medalist, Rukajarvi holds the distinction of being the first rookie to win Women’s Snowboard Slopestyle and the first female Finnish athlete to medal at an X Games event. Tonteri competed in the Big Air event in Oslo 2016 with a 13th place finish. He competes on the Air + Style tour and earned a big win at the FIS World Cup Big Air event in November.

Articles Features Misc Music

Eurovision 2017 Predictions: Shock, Controversy, and Politics

If anyone tells you that it’s impossible to predict a Eurovision contest – they’re wrong. As we’ve seen throughout the 61-year history of the show, the one thing that you can always count on is for the unexpected to happen.

The guaranteed excitement that comes hand in hand with that volatility is what makes Eurovision one of the most exciting events of the year to follow. In fact, the tension surrounding who will win is so high, that it’s actually one of the most frequently wagered contests on the entire calendar.

A lot of people use the ease of placing bets on online gaming sites to take a shot at predicting the winner. And even if you aren’t sure about the outcome, placing a wager on your favorite artist is just a fun way to show your support. Gambling at can make the betting experience even better, because it offers you a whole range of other betting opportunities that add even more action to the event.

Who is the favorite to win Eurovision 2017?

Given the thrilling and controversial finish to last year’s contest, it’s safe to say that politics will once again be playing a role. Remember, Ukraine will be hosting Eurovision 2017 just one year after Ukrainian singer Jamala took down the title with a song that many believe was anti-Russian. It’s widely expected that the ongoing tensions between Ukraine and Russia will have consequences in this year’s voting as well.

The shifting musical tastes is another important factor to consider when trying to predict the winner. Although music with a more contemporary sound does occasionally win, oftentimes something fresh and different will come out on top – like when heavy metal band Lordi took down the title in 2006 for Finland.

Another factor to consider is the televoting rules, which seem to have been controversial in one way or the other ever since their introduction in 2009. The jury/televote ratio has always been 50/50, but this year the Eurovision Broadcasting Union (EBU) has reserved the right set the ratio at its own discretion. This is another reaction to the huge disparity in national voting that many see as being politically motivated rather than about the quality of the performances.

So who is the favorite? You can never be completely sure, but given the fact that Eurovision is watched by over 200 million people and has developed a bit of a cult following in Europe, the stakes will be very high for the contestants. In the end, whoever brings the right combination of talent/song choice, is able to win over both the jury and crowd, and can steer clear of politics will take down the title.

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Helsinki celebrating New Year and the beginning of the 100th anniversary celebrations!