{mosimage}The first concept album by English metal gods Judas Priest is based on the peculiar character of Nostradamus.


The album takes a look at the life and the prophecies of the French Michel de Nostradame, better known as Nostradamus; a new and in a certain way risky step in the career if the legendary metal band, but was it needed? The album is featured in a double CD with almost 2 hours of duration, and well, maybe it can be a bit difficult to swallow the first times you listen to it. Halford´s voice masters the lyrics, and the band has been able to melt more orchestrated sounds and colorful intros with the classic Judas sound.

But well, maybe the extravagance can be a bit too hard to listen for not open minded fans. Nostradamus includes 23 tracks that fuss theatrical parts with other riffs 100% classic. It is praising that a band like Judas Priest still had time to experiment, but at the same time, the album can end up being a bit boring. Mention apart for the great artwork done by Mak Wilkinson, which makes by itself the CD worthy to pursue. If you approach this album without prejudices, it can certainly entertain you: if not, maybe you will prefer to stick back to their old stuff.


Rating 3/5.

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