{mosimage}The most famous Swedish-Finnish band is back and stronger than ever with a new album!

Kent is probably the most popular Swedish band in Finland (with permission of The Hellacopters or The Ark), and good proof of it is the massive amount of followers that attract in every visit here, with venue after venue sold out.

The band is back from studio and in excellent shape with this Tillbaka Till Samtiden. The opening track, Elefanter, starts slowly and languid, but step by step grows with glittering guitars on top of the electronic beats and bass. That could be a perfect metaphor for the whole album: the first time you listen to it seems to be another one more in a million, but you need to taste it step by step to appreciate all the connotations. And once that the sensuality of the Swedish language gets inside you, turns impossible to escape from the spell; Joakim´s intriguing voice just conquers your ears even if you cannot understand more than 5 words in Swedish (as it is my case).

Touches of instrumental dance music like in the catchy Våga vara rädd that counts with a hypnotic trumpet, mixed with darker atmospheres that remind their beloved Depeche Mode like in Berlin or especially in Columbus which sounds like a slower Swedish version of I feel You. No wonder that these guys cram people together whenever they come to play to Finland. With excellent release after release they show why they continue on the top of the charts after more than one decade of existence.

Rating 4/5

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