{mosimage}Frank Lero, guitarist of My Chemical Romance, features his alternative project that turns to be…”slightly” different… 

If the Emo fans of My Chemical Romance were expecting a little brother of the band with this new Lero´s project, they are going to have the disappointment of their lives. What you can listen here in this XO is pure grindcore, no more no less. No time for beautiful lyrics, but just screams of anger and discomfort with basically…everything. Lero shows his nastiest side, which is good and bad.  Good because he dares to break the rules and do the unexpected, when the easiest way would have been to continue with the same line than My Chemical Romance. Bad because honestly, I never liked the genre. I am a great fan of metal, but when the vocalist seem to bark more than sing…it is not my jam. 

This album is surely more aimed at fans of Napalm Death than fans of My Chemical Romance. If you are into hardcore punk and grindcore, this is for you. If not, beware that this can brutalize your ears! 

Rating 2/5.

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