{mosimage}Those bastards are back! Yes amigos, the Finnish rockers with Spanish soul are back with a fucking good new CD!

I must confess I have always felt a special weakness for Los Bastardos Finlandeses, starting from the fact that they write their band´s name in Spanish and continuing with the fact that they perform a direct and blowing rock that sounds even better on live. Here you have their new piece of music, a very complete album with the familiar southern rock taste and lyrics that flirt with Spanish language in almost every song. Los Bastardos do not transmit the typical cold and melancholic feeling of most Finnish bands at all. Their music has a great palette of colors, it sounds warm and friendly, like a good tequila shot. Listen to the raged guitar riffs of Red Eyed Rock ´n´Roller, Houseful of Hooligans or Return of El Diablo and enjoy the broken voice of El Taff Bastardo.

Another strong point of the album is its great at work, that feels a bit dangerous but viciously close and friendly, just as the band itself.The Finnish Bastards have been able to create a rock album that certainly rocks, something not so easy to achieve nowadays. Larga vida a los Bastardos!

Rating 5/5.


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