I take the train from Tampere on a boring Friday afternoon that soon will turn into an exciting one with the perspective of watching for first time live to Mark […]
The almighty synthesizer
{mosimage} What can happen when two guys meet in prison and learn to play synthesizer? Kalifornia-Keke and Stiletti-Ana formed Jesse while doing their time in Sörkka prison in Helsinki. With […]
Nightwish finish most successful European tour ever
During the tour that started mid-February, the band played 39 gigs in 18 countries in front of a combined audience of over 175,000. The entire tour entourage consisted of 55 […]
10 Average answers
While doing albums reviews, here goes nonsense like any other I could have written. A compilation of average answers we receive when making interviews. For you, young musician who can […]
Raja 1918
{mosimage}An emotive historical drama that shows the difficulties of setting a border with Russia after the Finnish Civil War. Directed by Lauri Törhöhen, and with script of Aleksi Bardy, Raja […]
The assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford
{mosimage}Brad Pitt and Casey Affleck deliver one of the best interpretative duels of the last year in this epic unconventional western. Directed by the relatively unknown Andrew Dominik and produced […]
Alpha Female
Norwegian Animal Alpha is another good example of the high quality of the bands coming from the northern neighboring Nordic country. Their last album: You Pay for The Whole Seat […]
Angel Blake – The Descended
{mosimage}Swedish-Finnish Project leaded by Marko Tervonen, which moves between thrash, melodic gothic and heavy metal. Angel Blake is born mostly as the personal project of Marko Tervonen, who was the […]
no-man – Schoolyard Ghosts
{mosimage}After 5 years, it is about time for a new album of no-man, under k scope record label. Steven Wilson and Tim Bowness are back on the road with Schoolyard […]
The Presidents of the United States of America – These Are the good times people
{mosimage}The Presidents of USA are here again, and not for robbing banks, but for featuring their sixth album. Seattle based band attacks again and brings the party to your home […]
REM – Accelerate
{mosimage}Michael Stipe and his band REM had not released a studio album since 2004, but it was worthy to wait! The guys from Athens, Georgia (not Greece) are back, and […]
Bryan Adams – 11
{mosimage}The Canadian Bryan Adams is back with 11 tracks for his 11th studio album. Guess the title of the record… 11 songs, 11 tour dates and 11 studio albums in […]
Tracedawn – Tracedawn
{mosimage}Debut album from the young metal heads from Helsinki. With only 8 tracks in their homonymous first album, Tracedawn were able to gladly surprise me from the first moment with […]
Moonspell – Night Eternal
{mosimage}The most popular Portuguese band is back with a new studio album. The fans of Moonspell must feel happy, since the awaiting was not very long since Under Satanae to […]
Iolanta from Moldova wins Ourvision
MUSIC Iolanta Savva from Moldova has won the second edition of Ourvision, the song contest for people with non-Finnish roots organised by International Cultural Centre Caisa. During the final held […]