{mosimage}During mid 90s, there was no pub or venue in Finland where Smilers did not play. They gained lots of experience in the music circuit, but the success was waiting […]
Bruce Springsteen – Magic
{mosimage}Bruce Springsteen’s new album Magic arrived in stores in the U.S. on Tuesday October 2nd, and Bruce and the E-Street Band kicked off their worldtour on the same day in […]
Liekki – Kalliot Leikkaa
{mosimage}Among all the bands in the current Finnish music scene, Liekki is quite unlike anybody else. On this album, their fourth, they combine elements of folk pop, progressive rock and […]
Jenni Vartiainen – Ihmisten edessä
{mosimage}Jenni Vartiainen’s main claim to fame is that she was one of the members Gimmel, a girl trio formed as the result of the first season of the Popstars show. […]
The Cult – Born into This
{mosimage}After more than 20 years in the business, The Cult don’t have anything to demonstrate with their eight album. They have delivered already their top 3 albums and we shouldn’t […]
Brothers of a Feather – Live at the Roxy
{mosimage}Although not as popular as other contemporaries, The Black Crowes have grown up to the status of a classic rock band. After a 4-year hiatus, brothers Chris and Rich Robinson […]
RATT – Tell the world
{mosimage}Do you remember the eighties? And how the glam scene was dominating the charts? American bands coming mostly from the sleazy Los Angeles scene like Dokken, Poison, Mötley Crüe, or […]
Nightwish – Dark Passion Play
{mosimage}Finally Nightwish´s new album, featuring their new singer, the Swedish Anette Olzon, is out in the streets. Worse or better than in the old era? Nightwish´s Dark Passion Play has […]
Mark Knopfler – Kill to Get Crimson
{mosimage}The charismatic ex-leader and guitar player of Dire Straits, owner of an almost unpronounceable surname, is back with his fifth solo album. We are not going to discover at this […]
Nightwish Nummer Eins in Germany
In Sweden the group currently stands at number 4, in Austria, the Netherlands and Greece at 5 and in Norway at number 7 of the official album charts. In the […]
Turkey’s glittering Aegean jewels
In the south east of the country that has one foot in Europe and the rest of its body in Asia, lies a peninsular that has history and memorable panoramas […]
And the Nordic Council Film Prize goes to… Denmark
Kunsten at græde i kor, Schønau Fog’s directoral debut, tells about an 11-year-old boy’s attempts to keep his dysfunctional family together. The prize money will be shared between the director, […]
Yes – Symphonic Live
{mosimage}Re-release in DVD in Finland of the classic show offered by Yes in Amsterdam during their tour in 2001, when they fulfilled their dream of playing together with an orchestra. […]
PM Vanhanen to face former girlfriend in court
Vanhanen and (then) Kuronen had a nine-month relationship after the Prime Minister and his wife Merja had announced their divorce in April 2005. After their romance ended, Kuronen frequently appeared […]
No Sweet Home Chicago!
{mosimage} "The atmosphere was amazing! When I was playing, it felt like I was playing to my friends – the crowd was really responsive and we were all riding a […]