{mosimage}Gocoo are a group of seven female and four taiko drummers from Tokyo who manage to be super trendy in a wide variety of music circles. Breaking with deeply rooted […]
Children of Men
{mosimage}Alfonso Cuarón belongs to the new generation of Mexican directors that keep conquering the Hollywood cinema industry, at the same level than those other two greatest representatives of this new […]
Bitch Alert
{mosimage}I really had to ask. What was the name again? Talking music over coffee on a grumpy afternoon of the apologetic Finnish spring, the name was dropped like a coin […]
Cartoon tracks
{mosimage}Comic artist and illustrator Marko Turunen (b. 1973) recently received the much appreciated Puupäähattu Prize handed by The Finnish Comic Society. His latest album Lihat puntarissa (Meats On the Scale) […]
Us and them
{mosimage} Once every three years something exciting happens in Jyväskylä – LUMO the International Photography Triennial comes to town. This year celebrates the 7th LUMO event with the theme of […]
July’s jewels
July is a beautiful time of the year and would be a strong contender if I had to choose a favourite month, although December's not bad either. However, this year […]
Acting out and about
I can’t lie to save my life but sometimes I do get tempted to use my acting abilities outside the stage, often in most dubious circumstances. Like once when I […]
Stylish Stockholm
Only hop, skip and a boat ride away from old Helsinki is the capital of Sweden and the home of 1,7 million of hip and trendy people. Stockholm is easy […]
Summer of music
{mosimage} I look back in time and remember my summer times in Spain. Temperatures of 40 degrees, ventilators trying to suffocate the baking hot, the excursions to the beach (not […]
{mosimage}Diane Arbus, (born Diane Nemerov), was a photographer married with Allan Arbus (and later divorced), that became famous for her personal style of portraying “freaks”, those people living apart from […]
Provinssirock 2007
{mosimage}Provinssirock 2007 was supposed to be the festival of the three queens, but one of them didn’t show up. Amy Winehouse, the last diva on top of the charts, canceled […]
Headliner Amy Winehouse cancels Provinssirock
The British soul singer had already arrived in Finland on Saturday, but never made it to the festival ground in Seinäjoki. According to her manager she suffered such a bad […]