Making films inside videogames has been a growing trend since the advent of 3D games in the '90s. Quake was the first videogame to give freedom and powerful resources to […]
Am I just a CC for you?
Is always sending e-mails an innocent action aimed at providing and exchanging information among co-workers? Answers to that question have recently been published in interesting study by Karianne Skovholt, who […]
Knut, the cute Polar Bear
Everybody seems to be delighted by the appearance of such a lovely creature that will be contemplated in future time in the German zoo. For me, I just can feel […]
Dark people make dark films
My next film is about the civil war. It will not be exactly hilarious. A darkish undertone exists in a large number of Finnish films, although lighter subject matters are […]
Miniature cups of coffee
My first social visit in Finland was becoming a success, although I really was bemused by the miniature cups. I actually started to become excited over the brewing coffee because […]
One big family!
But we are animals after all and have a strong need to belong to a group. Luckily there’s a solution to this. The communities and families have been replaced by […]
The Lusto Museum in Punkaharju
In 1843, the Punkaharju State Forest was established and in 1990 the ridge was declared a protected area, with the approval of the Act founding the Punkaharju nature conservation area. […]
A postindustrial fairytale
By the end of the eighties the industrial production had moved out of the area. Ruoholahti was rebuilt into a residential area and City of Helsinki planned to demolish the […]
Ambassador of the Blues
First of all, what influence did Robert Johnson have on you as a musician? I think the Robert Johnson influence on me has taken on the aspect that it made […]
The Year of South Korea
Since 1997 the festival has been exploring different Asian cultures: from Indonesia to China, to India and –last year– the countries hit by the 2005 tsunami.Asia in Helsinki is the […]
Hanni Autere – Puhun puille
This is particularly true of a very spooky piece called, in rough translation, ‘The melting of the great ocean.’ But whatever the influences, Auture brings them together into an original […]
Sonic vs Mario
The Atari 2600 was forgotten and a new era started with… the incredible 16 Mega video console Sega Mega drive (…Applauses…). And Sega’s new baby was really a beautifully designed […]
Goya’s Ghosts
Milos Forman’s new film, Goya´s Ghosts, offers a biography (and it seems that the polemic Czech director never gets tired of the genre) of one of the most important painters […]
He-Men go to war
Take 300: a mixture of one car commercial/remake director, one sexy ‘graphic novel’ (from the creator of Sin City), spiced up with a few speeches about freedom, and served lukewarm […]
Discovering Bukowski
And after it, I just can say that I love it. I love his raw style. I love how he expresses so frankly his disconformities with the world where he […]