{mosimage}A double DVD spanning four decades of one of the most influential rock band of all times, the English The Who.

The Who´s spirit can be very well resumed in a comment made by Noel Gallagher during his appearance in the DVD “everybody was playing lead in The Who. Keith Moon was the lead drummer, John Entwistle the lead bass player, Pete Townsend the lead guitar and Roger Daltrey the lead vocals”. The Who was founded on the extreme competitiveness of their members, huge talents put together in a single band able to sound like an orchestra just with a guitar, a bass and the demolition work in the drums of Keith Moon, who will undoubtedly pass to the history as one of the best drummers ever born?

The double DVD is a must get for The Who fans, as well as for the new generations who want to discover one of the fundamental British band that leaded the “American invasion” during late sixties. The documentary features interviews with the two remaining members of the band (Entwistle died In 2002 and Moon in 1978) as well as with managers, roadies, members of the band´s family, etc. If that would not be enough, top class musicians who have admired and covered songs of The Who such as Eddie Vedder from Pearl Jam, Noel Gallagher from Oasis, Sting, The Edge from U2, etc. Some special winks to the fans like special footage never seen before, an analysis of every member´s skills, the film shot in 1964 The High Numbers at the Railway Hotel featuring the early stage of the band and much more.

Surely the title could have not been better chosen, since getting immersed in The Who´s history is an amazing journey that still has not got to an end. Just last year I could see them with my own eyes playing at Roskilde festival in Denmark, and be sure that The Who still rocks more than many of the younger bands.

Rate 5/5.

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