{mosimage}Canadian indie pop band features their second studio album.

After the release Apologies to the Queen Mary, Wolf Parade gained quickly a place as a cult indie band. Now, with this second album, the Canadian trying to settle down into the international scene touring also around Europe.  

Founded by ex Frog Eyes member Spencer Krug, who enlisted promptly Dan Boeckner in the vocals, Wolf Parade offers a wonderful and sometimes psychedelically album with certain notes of melancholy spread here and there that surely with make it catch very well with the Finnish pop audience.

Good work with the sound manipulation by Hadji Bakara and songs sharply built like Call it a Ritual or Language City that make this new work a sure success when playing on stage either at festivals or smaller venues. Special mention to the nice artwork of the album that serves to pinpoint even more the oniric atmosphere of this At Mount Zoomer. Some moments in the album like while listening to Bang  your Drum can remind you of The Doors. Not a bad effort.  


Rating 3/5.

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